Brand Guidelines – ACPA

These are guidelines for use of our office logo and other brand assets. These logos and other branding material should be used exactly how they are intended. No one should make any alterations to any of the below items unless given express consent to do so by Ayesha Solomon or her designees.


Normal Version

This version is to be used when there is an informal letter or form that is the color version of the black and white version. Can be used as the primary everyday letters that leave the office and is to be used with a white background.

Blue Version

This is the official letterhead version that should only be used on blue backgrounds to match the color. This is used on the official letterhead only. 

Greyscale Version

This grey scale version should only be used on very basic letters and forms that are used in everyday duties. This can be alternately used with the Normal Vesrion. 


RGB: 12-12-72

Hex: 0C0C48

RGB: 105-199-10

Hex: 69C70A

RGB: 109-110-112

HEX: 6D6E70

RGB: 109-110-112

HEX: 6D6E70




Downloadable letterheads in Word and PDF

Link to fillable letterhead PDF

Link to letterhead Word

Business Cards

Email Footer

GIS Maps

Other Documents