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Outreach News
Constitutional Amendment 5 Annual Inflation Adjustment to Homestead Exemption Value
GAINESVILLE, Fla - Florida voters approved an annual inflation adjustment tothe value of current and future Homestead Exemptions in the November 5,2024, general election.This is known as Amendment 5, which takes effect on January 1, 2025,beginning with the 2025 tax...
Alachua County Property Appraiser Ayesha Solomon Elected President of the Florida Association of Property Appraisers
GAINESVILLE, Fla - Alachua County Property Appraiser Ayesha Solomon has been elected President of the Florida Association of Property Appraisers (FAPA), a testament to her leadership and dedication to property appraisal. Her election took place during FAPA’s annual...
Newberry Mobile Pop-up
GAINESVILLE, Fla - Starting Monday, January 22, 2024, through Friday, February 02, 2024, the Alachua County Property Appraiser’s Office is expanding its operations to the City of Newberry by hosting a mobile pop-up at the Mentholee Norfleet Municipal Building. The...
‘Get your legal matters in order’: Assisting Alachua County property owners in the battle against property loss.
GAINESVILLE, Fla - Nearly 3 in 100 residential properties in the northwest Gainesville zip codes 32605 and 32653 are at risk of entering the costly and lengthy probate legal process. To help combat these issues the Alachua County Property Appraiser’s Office will be...
Alachua County Alachua & High Springs Probate and Estate Planning Summit
GAINESVILLE, Fla - Nearly 1 in 25 residential properties in the cities of Alachua and High Springs are at risk of entering the costly and lengthy probate legal process.The Alachua County Property Appraiser’s Office will be hosting its third Probate and Estate Planning...
Tangible Personal Property Webinar
Tangible Personal Property:What Every Business Owner Needs to Know Wednesday, January 11 @ 12:00 pm EST Join our webinar to learn more about Tangible Personal Property and why it is important for your business. Learn about what is tangible personal property, how the...
Critical Public Service Additional Homestead Exemption
GAINESVILLE, Fla - A Critical Public Services Workforce bill is pending approval by Florida voters and if passed will provide an additional exemption for qualifying applicants and will take effect January 1, 2023. This bill may provide an additional Homestead...
The International Association of Assessing Officers Reward the Alachua County Property Appraiser’s Office
GAINESVILLE, Fla - The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) announced the Alachua County Property Appraiser’s Office as the recipient of the 2022 Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration. This prestigious award was presented during the...
Outreach Events

Extended Hours
Ongoing Community InitiativesWe know our Filing season is busy, so to be more accessible, we will be extending our hours from February 24 - February 28 from 5 p.m. - to 7 p.m. We will be available to assist the public with any needs from our office. No appointments...

Probate & Estate Planning Initiative
Alachua County residents have approximately $261 million of property value at risk of entering a costly and lengthy probate legal process. Due to the significance of this data, our office created our Probate and Estate Planning Summit. This event features an interactive panel discussion led by representatives from Alachua County.

Mobile Pop-Up @ Newberry!
Ongoing Community Education InitiativesMobile Pop-up @ Newberry AboutIn continuing to support our constituents in Alachua County, we’re excited to be collaborating with the City of Newberry by hosting a mobile pop-up at the Mentholee Norfleet Municipal Building!...

Tips to Understand Where Your Property Taxes Come From
Tips To Understand Where Your Property Taxes Come FromProperty taxes vs property value (AV and MV)Unless there is a change of ownership, exempt status, or a significant improvement on the property, the Assessed Value (AV) of a homestead property can only increase a...

What is a Denial
A “denial” refers to the process by which the Property Appraiser’s Office denies an applicant’s applications for certain tax exemptions, such as homestead, veterans, or senior-related benefits, as well as agricultural classifications.
When a person has been notified of an exemption denial by registered mail, they have until 25 days after the mailing of their TRIM notice to file an appeal with the Value Adjustment Board (VAB). There is no filing fee for applicants who have been denied a homestead exemption application unless the denial is for a late file. If the petitioner is appealing a denial of an application that was filed late (after March 1), a nominal filing fee is due.

Have a question? Check out our FAQ section! Get answers to questions such as “Where can I view Tax Roll Statistical Reports”, “What is Tangible Personal Property”, or “Agricultural Exemptions”

What is a TRIM notice?
A “denial” refers to the process by which the Property Appraiser’s Office denies an applicant’s applications for certain tax exemptions, such as homestead, veterans, or senior-related benefits, as well as agricultural classifications.
When a person has been notified of an exemption denial by registered mail, they have until 25 days after the mailing of their TRIM notice to file an appeal with the Value Adjustment Board (VAB). There is no filing fee for applicants who have been denied a homestead exemption application unless the denial is for a late file. If the petitioner is appealing a denial of an application that was filed late (after March 1), a nominal filing fee is due.

Helpful Links
Get links to additional resources like different Alachua County, State of Florida, and National Resources. Also, check out links to different County Property Appriasers.