Advanced Property Search Help
Property searches return a list of all the properties matching the search criteria provided. Once the list is returned, you may select any property from the list to see details about the selected property.
Utilize the drop-down boxes OR enter the From: and/or To: values on the right side. Enter selection data in only the From: box to select = values. You may page forward in the list by pressing button located at the bottom of the page. If the property you are searching for is not listed, you may need to broaden your search criteria. Once the search results page is returned, you may also select the option to download the requested parcel information to your own PC.
There is a restriction of 400 matched parcels for the to appear. If more than this number of parcels are found matching your selection criteria, you will not be able to create a download file. This is due to restrictions on available bandwidth for our site.
You may search for properties using any combination of the following parameters.
Click a term to find its definition.
Tax Roll Year
The Tax Roll Year denotes the year of the Certified Tax Roll information. Tax Roll Certification happens each year in mid to late October for that year. Therefore, the 2018 Tax Roll is certified in October, 2018, and is considered the Current Tax Roll until October of 2019.
Parcel Number
The Parcel Number is the primary identification for a specific piece of Real Estate property in Alachua County. The default setting of “Any Parcel” causes every parcel number on file to be included in the search.
To narrow a search for property by parcel number, locate the parcel number on a trim notice, tax bill, homestead notice, or Ag exemption notification. The number will have the format: 99999 999 999 -OR- 99999-999-999.
After locating the number enter it into the From: Parcel Number field. The leading zeros do not need to be entered, but a separator (blank or -) must be entered between the 3 parts of the parcel number.
For example, Parcel Number 00034 050 001, could be entered any of the following ways:
- 34 50 1
- 34-50-1
- 00034 050 001
- 00034-050-001
If a specific parcel number is not known, then a parcel range can be entered and the search will return a list of parcels within the range.
City Code
The City Code denotes the primary Taxing Authority where a property is located. It is a four(4) position numeric field. Click on the drop-down box to see existing codes and their general locations. The default setting of “Any City Code” causes city code not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of city codes, enter the beginning city code(All four(4) characters must be entered) in the From: field and the ending city code in the To: field. For instance, to select all City of Gainesville properties, enter 3600 in the From City Code field and 3700 in the To: City Code field.
Property Use Code
The Property Use Code denotes the primary use of a property. It is a five(5) position numeric field. Click on the drop-down box to see existing codes and their descriptions. The default setting of “Any Property Use Code” causes property use code not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of property use codes, enter the beginning use code(All five(5) characters must be entered) in the From: field and the ending use code in the To: field.
Exempt Amount
The Exempt Amount is the total of all exemptions granted to a property. The default setting of Any Exempt Amount causes exempt amount not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of exempt amounts, enter the beginning exempt amount in the From: field and the ending use code in the To: field.
Just Value
Just Value, often referred to as Market Value, is the value of the property without regard to a possible Agricultural classification or Save Our Homes Deferred Amount. Land may be classified as agricultural which will reduce the value of the land for assessment purposes. Just Value is the reflection of the value of land if it were not classified as agricultural and had no SOH deferred amount. The default setting of Any Value causes just value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of just values, enter the beginning just value in the From: field and the ending just value in the To: field.
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is the value of the property with regard to a possible Agricultural classification and any deferred amount accumulated because of Amendment 10. Land may be classified as agricultural which will reduce the value of the land for assessment purposes. Assessed Value uses the classified use value of the value of land if it is classified as agricultural. Another factor that influences assessed value is Florida’s Amendment 10, or Save Our Homes. This amendment places a cap on the percentage amount that a Homesteaded property can increase in a year. Any increase in value above the capped percentage is stored separately as a Save Our Homes Deferred Value. This value is not included in the Assessed Value. The default setting of Any Value causes assessed value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of assessed values, enter the beginning assessed value in the From: field and the ending assessed value in the To: field.
Taxable Value
Taxable Value is the value of the property that is subject to taxes. Taxable Value is the Assessed Value minus all Exemption Amounts. The default setting of Any Value causes taxable value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of taxable values, enter the beginning taxable value in the From: field and the ending taxable value in the To: field.
Land Market Value
Land Market Value is the value of the land disregarding any possible Agricultural exemption. The default setting of Any Value causes land market value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of land market values, enter the beginning land market value in the From: field and the ending land market value in the To: field.
Ag Land Value
Ag Land Value is the value of the land after having been granted an Agricultural exemption. This value is also sometimes known as the Classified Use Value. The default setting of Any Value causes ag land value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of ag land values, enter the beginning ag land value in the From: field and the ending ag land value in the To: field.
Building Value
Building Value is the value of the main building structures on the property. The default setting of Any Value causes building value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of building values, enter the beginning building value in the From: field and the ending building value in the To: field.
Miscellaneous Value
Miscellaneous Value is the value of various other structures on the property that contribute value to the property, ie; screen porches, patios, driveways, etc. The default setting of Any Value causes miscellaneous value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of miscellaneous values, enter the beginning miscellaneous value in the From: field and the ending miscellaneous value in the To: field.
SOH Deferred Value
SOH (Save Our Homes) Deferred Value is the increased value of a homesteaded property that is not included in the Assessed Value. The Save Our Homes, Amendment 10, requires that homesteaded property values may not increase above a certain percentage depending on the Consumer Price Index. Any additional value, based on market sales, is tracked separately in this field. This value will be incorporated into the Assessed Value when a property is sold. The default setting of Any Value causes SOH deferred value not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of SOH deferred values, enter the beginning SOH deferred value in the From: field and the ending SOH deferred value in the To: field.
Tax Amount
Tax Amount is the amount of tax due for the property before any discounts or penalties. The default setting of Any Amount causes tax amount not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of tax amounts, enter the beginning tax amount in the From: field and the ending tax amount in the To: field.
Number of Acres
Acres are self-explanatory. The default setting of Any Acreage causes acres not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of acres, enter the beginning acres value in the From: field and the ending acres value in the To: field.
Total Square Footage
Total Square Footage is the total number of square feet for all buildings on the property. The default setting of Any Square Footage causes total square feet not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of acres, enter the beginning total square footage value in the From: field and the ending total square footage value in the To: field.
Heated Square Footage
Heated Square Footage is the number of square feet for all buildings on the property that is considered to be enclosed and subject to heating or cooling. The default setting of Any Square Footage causes heated square feet not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of acres, enter the beginning heated square footage value in the From: field and the ending heated square footage value in the To: field.
A Subdivision is the legally recorded name of a developed area. The default setting of Any Subdivisioncauses subdivision not to be used as a selection criteria.
Select a subdivision from the pull-down box. Do not select both Subdivision and Neighborhood or results will not be as desired.
An area or Neighborhood is an appraiser-defined group of parcels with common characteristics. A neighborhood may or may not be related to a subdivision. The default setting of Any Area/Neighborhood causes this not to be used as a selection criteria.
Select an area/neighborhood from the pull-down box. Do not select both Subdivision andArea/Neighborhood or results will not be as desired.
Land Use Code
The Land Use Code denotes the primary use of all or part of the land for a particular property. It is a four(4) position numeric field. Click on the drop-down box to see existing codes and their descriptions. The default setting of “Any Land Use Code” causes land use code not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of land use codes, enter the beginning use code(All four(4) characters must be entered) in the From: field and the ending use code in the To: field.
Building Use Code
The Building Use Code denotes the primary use of a building on a particular property. It is a four(4) position numeric field. Click on the drop-down box to see existing codes and their descriptions. The default setting of “Any Building Use Code” causes land use code not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of building use codes, enter the beginning use code(All four(4) characters must be entered) in the From: field and the ending use code in the To: field.
Miscellaneous Use Code
The Miscellaneous Use Code denotes the additional features for a particular property. It is a four(4) position numeric field. Click on the drop-down box to see existing codes and their descriptions. The default setting of “Any Miscellaneous Use Code” causes land use code not to be used as a selection criteria.
To select a range of land use codes, enter the beginning use code(All four(4) characters must be entered) in the From: field and the ending use code in the To: field.
Zip Code
The Zip Code denotes the zip code for the owner of the property, not the actual physical location of the property itself. It is a ten(10) position field. Many zip codes have the zip+4 stored as well and in these cases, the zip code will include the dash between the 5 digit and 4 digit extension, ie; 32601-0145 Click on the drop-down box to see Alachua County zip codes. You may select one of these codes, or choose ANY Alachua County zip or NO Alachua County zip. Furthermore, to select a specific non-Alachua County zip or to enter a partial zip code or to search for a zip+4 code, use the text box on the right and enter the appropriate value.
Sort By
Sort By allows you to sequence the results in various orders. The initial Sort By box defaults to Parcel Ascending. You may select any sort by statement in any of the four drop-down boxes. For instance, to sort by Parcel Number in descending sequence within City Code in ascending sequence, select “City Code Asc” in the first drop-down and “Parcel Desc” in the second drop-down.
Other Search Settings
The search contains a and a . The Clear button clears the values entered by the user from the current form. The Submit button lists all of the properties that match the criteria entered by the user.
All of the searches have the following:
Number of selections to return:
Use this to select the maximum number of properties the search will list on a single web page.